Monday, November 9, 2020

My Octopus Teacher

 2020, d. Philippa Ehrlich, James Reed - Netflix

I want to snuggle with an octopus.

This is a serene and meditative documentary that is both beautiful and frustrating. On the one hand we have a tremendous amount of awe-inspiring undersea cinematography, as well as a fascinating exploration into, and discovery of the behaviour of octopi, but on the other hand there's this very personal story for South African documentary filmmaker Craig Foster that I found hard to connect with. I mean, a lot of us can understand Foster's problems -being burnt out, feeling inadequate as a father, being somewhat aimless and adrift - but almost none of us have the ability to just fuck off for a year or more swimming and free diving in the ocean and carrying out an emotional affair with a sea creature. I'm a pretty privileged person, and still this man throwing his privilege in my face felt gross, especially since the film doesn't acknowledge it at all. At times Foster acts like free diving in the ocean for hours every day and just chilling with a cephalopod is something we all should just be doing, as if we all had the choice. Fuck you Craig Foster.

Yes, I'm jealous.
I mean, he literally gets to snuggle with an octopus.  That seems amazing.

There's the narrative of a friendship between Foster and an octopus, and that connection is truly beautiful. But in that narrative, I have to tell you, if my friend just stood by and watched a shark hunt me and then eat one of my arms, well, I don't think we'd be friends anymore. In reality, I get the respect for nature and non-interference, and good for Foster for not messing with it.

Clearly this relationship meant a lot to Foster, but the whole "teacher" angle of the film wasn't all that clear, nor did it seem like the most important part of the story. It seemed their connection was far more in focus than any teachings or learnings. Maybe "My Neighbour Octopus" or "My Octopus Affair" would've been more apt.

1 comment:

  1. If he was about non-interference, then he wouldn't be hugging the fucker. But yeah, documentary videos have lines they draw in the water... made of bubbles?

    I get the golden parachute jealousy. I think we have talked about that in one of our bourbon laden outings (fuck 2020) wherein I bemoaned how all these people who claim changing your life is grand, have the money to bankroll said change. My Change My Entire Life would require living on the streets.

    As for hugging an octopus, you can have it. I love the slimy lil creatures with their colourisms and fit through any cranny, but being wrapped up by their arms? Nope nope nope (insert GIF of octopus running away) .... something about it just whigs me out. Maybe it was the times I swam through the tentacles of jellyfish as a kid, maybe its seeing the face of an illithid (mind flayer) in them. I will enjoy watching from a far.
