Sunday, October 11, 2020

31 Days of Halloween: The Babysitter: Killer Queen

 2020, McG (Termination Salvation) -- Netflix

We rather liked the first movie McG did in this world, which ended in a bit of an opening to lead into this movie. Bee, the killer babysitter was trapped beneath the rubble of the house, after Cole slammed his neighbour's muscle car into the house, and her. But in the last second, no body is found. Cliffhanger!

So, its two years later and Cole has grown up as adolescents do. Alas, he is the Weird Kid now, as no evidence of the mayhem his evil babysitter led was ever found, so all the authorities and his family know is that he went nuts and crashed a car into a house. I guess she was able to escape with all the bodies as well. Skilled girl. Poor Cole is considered a clinically insane, or at least damaged, to his classmates and his parents, under constant supervision and chemical adjustment.


Cole (Judah Lewis, CSI: Cyber) and Melanie (Emily Alyn Lind, Criminal Minds), the girl he didn't get (next door neighbour, not Bee), end up at a lake party followed by Phoebe (Jenna Ortega, CSI: NY), the new kid, also a weird kid. Of course, partying with the popular kids, the mean kids, is never even a good idea, even if one was your first kiss. Because, of course, the Cult of Bee never went away. Oh, they all died, but since when do Satanists let them stop them. Now Melanie leads, and she is murdering and sacrificing and summoning all the annoying killers from the first movie, including Shirtless Max (Robbie Amell, Arq) and Shot to the Boob Allison (and you're to blame; Bella Thorne, Assassination Nation). Begin the chase!

There is little on explanation or actual tension, just your classic gore and humour of a teen horror movie, but it was worth a few chuckles. As sequels go, it was acceptable. Except when it went the way of redemption. Not sure why they thought it was a good idea that Bee (Samara Weaving, Bill & Ted Face the Music) comes back from Hell regretting what she did to Cole, and saving him instead of dooming him. But rah rah yay, everyone is saved and all the bad guys go back to Hell, and Cole gets some. Cuz, you know, in a teen movie, that is primary.

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