Tuesday, March 24, 2020

3 Short Paragraphs: Zombieland 2: Double Tap

2019, Ruben Fleischer (Venom) -- download

I suppose we cannot be going through The Pause without making some commentary on a zombie movie and how we are just this shy of it Being the Reason Why. And considering I already ReWatched the cliche for these times, that is Contagion, back in December when this was all new, why not this movie. I am still not over the video from China with the kids being shoved into a box on the back of a truck while she screams.

So, first movie, a brilliant commentary on zombie flicks and how to survive hem. It's funny, well paced and innovative. But that was 10 years ago. We will forget there was a failed attempt at a TV show -- it was terrible. So, did we need another movie, a sequel? No, we didn't, but a bit more of the first, as well as seeing where the characters and the world are 10 years later, as long as it's the original cast and director, is not as bad of an idea.

The thing is, yeah, one was enough. It's not that this movie is bad, as it really does just present more of the same, if a little amped up in the ridiculous nature of this particular zombie apocalypse, it's that it really needed to just do more. Sure, they kicked things off at the White House, with our mains moving in and taking over, but it has been ten years; they didn't really seem to age. You would think more about them would change beyond... aging. So fun popcorn movie, burped and forgotten.

Oh look, I actually did three SHORT paragraphs. Wonders never cease.

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