Thursday, March 26, 2020

3 Short Paragraphs: Christopher Robin

2018, Marc Forster (World War Z) -- download

OK, we go from Ewan McGregor wearing a black mask, fancy suits as a bad guy, to Ewan McGregor all grown up & married to Agent Carter. And having abandoned Pooh and Hundred Acre Wood. I am not sure who was more the villain but I am leaning more towards Mr. Robin, the efficiency expert for a luggage company tasked with cutting staff. During hard times, you have to make hard decisions. I am sure my own management could be helped if only they had the assistance of their childhood imaginary friends, who are (SPOILER !!), in fact quite real.

Pooh wakes up one day out of honey, and Hundred Acre Wood is a mess, so he sets out to find out where his friends and/or Christopher Robin might be, cuz they can help. He goes through Christopher Robin's door and finds himself in a park across from Mr. Robin's flat. In a world that must be alternate-universe adjacent to Paddington Pooh is real for everyone and Hundred Acre Wood seems to be in a pocket universe. In London, he causes trouble for Christopher Robin until the man agrees to return with him for another adventure.

The movie is rather melancholy, all about our loss of childhood innocence & sense of adventure due to Reality Taking Over. His life was overtaken by a World War (II) and while our current trauma is not whatsoever comparable, it does seem to come with its own similarities. If anything, where Christopher Robin was able to generate a balance of Succeeding at Work with Being with Family, I wonder if all of us being forced to be at home with them might be detrimental? Maybe all we need is some stuffed buddies to remind us of what is really, truly important.

Kent's brief take.

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