Friday, October 11, 2019

31 Days of Halloween: Little Monsters

2019, Abe Forsythe (Ned) -- download

[ed note: November 21, 2019 -- brief hiatus while i struggled (again) with why the fuck do I even do this?]

A zombie comedy feel good movie. I didn't know how much I needed this movie until I watched it. I guess it goes along with my current attraction to the unbearably cheesy formulaic romantic movies that come to us by way of the Hallmark channel but run on network TV during the weekends. My brain just needs something like my belly needs cheesy corn chip products after leaving work. It just fills some void.

Dave (him, not me. shaddup) is a loser, a loser who thinks he can keep his girlfriend no matter how little he tries, no matter how much he tries to delude himself into believing he will be a successful musician. He does lose her, her does end up sleeping on his sister's sofa and he does end up almost getting kicked out of that refuge. But he connects with his little nephew, a little scaredy cat, and joins the kid on a school trip to an outback animal park.

Did I mention the movie is set in Australia? The movie does its best to play it down, especially considering the two leads (besides Dave) are Lupita Nyong'o and Josh Gad. Yep, two Lupita movies in one season --- I am not complaining (*swoon*). Lupita plays the teacher that all the dads are hitting on. No shit Sherlock! She's bubbly, beautiful and in complete control of her classroom of little monsters. Get it, little monsters? Yeah, when the American base next to the animal park happens to lose control of its zombie soldiers, the true monsters are released.

The actual playthrough of her class and Dave surviving the zombie hordes (which are full of bitten kiddies and parents) is pretty formulaic, so the fun comes in Miss Caroline proving she is more than a pretty face and a yellow dress, and Dave proving he can care for someone other than himself. Gad has a blast playing the kid show host who out-assholes Dave. Unlike most zombie movies, they don't lose character after character until only a few survive (as most are kids) but with some satisfaction, we do get to say goodbye to Gad before Miss Caroline's singing saves everyone.

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