Wednesday, October 10, 2018

31 Days of Halloween 2018: The Endless

2017, Justin Benson, Aaron Moorhead (Spring) -- Netflix

Gawddamn it, Steve said watch Resolution first !!  So, if you are reading this, do that.

Finally; fucking finally. A great movie !!

We loved Spring so I so glad we like their follow-up. And again, they go with a twisting of expectations while along along the trails of movies familiar to the genre in which it is based.

Aaron and Justin are brothers, brothers who escaped/left a cult many years ago. Aaron, the older, controls  his brother and their shitty lives. Justin resents the control, and the fact he never really wanted to leave the cult. Justin convinces Aaron to return to the mountain in the desert one last time, so he can get closure, so he can see through the eyes of an adult that these people were who his brother defined them as, and not the happy place of good memories he recalls.

And yup, its cult-y. Happy people acting weird, spouting off metaphor filled dialogue about trust and perseverance. And tons of ambiguity. Almost immediately Aaron starts catching weird things that are beyond just weird hippy beer making cultists (they can't be all bad, if they make craft beer) -- such as the tall narrow piles of... clay? They look like geological formations but are too narrow and delicate to survive. And there are some classic bumps in the night, until he bumps into the angry guy whose body also is hanged in the shed.

The movie twists and turns and runs down the path from creepy, horror into nervous science fiction. Something is going on in those woods and all Aaron wants to do is find his brother and convince him to leave with him. Meanwhile the hippies are waiting for something, something to do with three full moons and ascension but more likely related to the otherworldly It they keep on talking about.

Much of this season has been about decent attempts but failed execution or flat climax. Pyewacket just plodded along until it reached the expected fiery end, but without much heat. The Lodgers ended with nary a ripple in the mood & tone. Mandy just ended, everyone but Red. But this movie ends with satisfaction and enough openness that I can fill in what I want.

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