Tuesday, December 22, 2020

T&K's Xmas (2020) Advent Calendar: Day 22 - The Bishop's Wife

 1947, Henry Koster (Harvey) -- download

Obviously not a Hallmarkie, being that it is from the 40s, but its an Xmas movie on the Peanut Gallery's top Xmas movie list, so we went with it. I have seen it before, but generally don't recall the details, but that it is an odd sort of a movie which is setup as a romance between the handsome lead Cary Grant and Loretta Young, but the hitch is that Loretta, who plays Julia, is the Bishop's (David Niven) wife. And Cary is Dudley, an angel.

Dudley appears on the crowded, festive streets of a never really identified Big City. Everyone is staring in awe at the Xmas decorations in the store front windows, and for those who hadn't seen the movie before, the foreshadowing is right up front -- an angel in the window, just over Dudley's shoulder. Dudley bumps into people, assists on a few minor miracles and acts of kindness, before he comes across Julia staring pensively at a pretty hat. That starts things off, as he insinuates himself into the life of the very busy Bishop, a man who has no time for anyone let alone his wife, focused entirely on satisfying the church elders, so he can raise the moneys required to build a new cathedral. The elders are annoying him to no end. At the top of his Do Not Like list is Mrs Hamilton, the Wealthy Widow.

Dudley steps right in, basically courting Julia, but really just providing her some absolutely charming company while her husband is distracted. It doesn't have to be the 1940s to see how inappropriate this angel is acting around the man's wife, taking her out for lunch, ice skating and even having her daughter entertained, so he can spend more alone time with Julia. The Bishop definitely sees what is going on, and is Not Pleased. In fact, he is so displeased he wants to retract the prayer he made. But nope, you cannot get rid of Dudley that easily.

But don't fret, because despite being rather precocious, Dudley still has his heart in the right place. He knows what he is doing, and despite becoming a bit more fond of Julia than is appropriate in the angel work place, he does make it so everything works out in the end.

My favourite bit is his interaction with the local doddering professor, a family friend of the Bishop and his wife, but someone they have lost touch with. The man is likely an agnostic, but they don't hold that against him, but the heavenly charms Dudley uses on everyone doesn't work on him. That's alright as Dudley gifts him an Everfull Bottle (D&D minor magic item) that constantly refills with Sherry, and a wonderful story about an old coin the professor carries around with him.

This is a wonderfully charming little movie, a little peculiar in its manipulation of expectations, and while it is not overwhelmed with its own Xmas seasonal message, it does fit into the time well.

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