Wednesday, September 16, 2020

3 Short Paragraphs: Freaks

 2018, Zach Lipovsky, Adam B. Stein (Kim Possible) -- download/Netflix

 is another exploration of a world where superpowered people are not considered superheroes, but downright dangerous, which is a good point. In the Marvel comics universe, the Civil War storyline was kicked off when a super team battle results in the explosion of the super villain Nitro. Not only does it kill most of the super team New Warriors, but also most of a neighbourhood of 600, including a school bus full of kids. This leads the American government to pass a Registration Act, to have more control over how super powered people interact in public. In Freaks, a similar tragedy leads to the strict, more draconian, regulation of people who exhibit any special powers. And thus seven year old Chloe is hidden away from the world by her father.

Much of the opening of the movie hides the backstory from us. We see her over controlling father (Emile Hirsch, Lords of Dogtown) hiding her inside a house where the windows are covered up, and it appears very PoAp. She has no life, and is very very curious about what is going on outside. Despite that, her dad has given her some hope that, if she is good, life will get better soon. She's seven; she doesn't quote believe him. We also don't quite trust the narrative, the presentation lending itself to the father perhaps being delusional. Chloe occasionally peeks outside, seeing a friendly ice cream truck, and really wants some ice cream. And we know how much trouble ice cream can cause.

Once the third act kicks off, and we have been exposed to Chloe's expanding powers, we might be thinking the control the government wants is not such a bad thing. These power folks are scary, and yes, everyone is entitled to freedom, the scared normals do have reasons to be afraid of the abnormals. Gone are the elements of horror or misdirection from earlier in the movie, and it slips further into being just another episode of Heroes. Still, the presentation is skilled enough to keep attention and the smart little actress playing Chloe (Lexy Kolker) is a wonderful lead.

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