Thursday, April 18, 2019

3 Short Paragraphs: Captain Marvel

2019, Anna Boden / Ryan Fleck (Sugar) -- cinema

Finally out to see a movie in the theatre and finally a movie where my eye(s) cooperate and I can properly enjoy (i.e. focus) on the screen. I can also say that the best time to see a movie is 4:30pm on a work day; the dullards are at a minimal. So, what I got was exactly the experience I wanted -- another MCU movie with Sam Jackson and a surprisingly delightful Brie Larson. Larson is one of those Hollywood starlets who, by choice likely, is not in any spotlight. What's the last movie you can say you saw her in? I can only remember Scott Pilgrim vs. The World. But after this flick, yeah she has made her mark on my brain. The smirk! The squint! I say outright that those subtle affectations of emotion are about to be a thing.

"Nevertheless, she persisted," was my greatest takeaway from this movie. As an MCU movie, is definitely middle of the road. Doesn't every MCU fan rate the flicks? This is above Thor and Doctor Strange for me, but just below Ant Man and the Wasp. But what stood out for me, and what had me enjoying every scene thoroughly was the mark it was making for lone female superheroes. Carol Danvers is the epitome of every young woman who got knocked down but got back up again. And there was nothing wrong with the heavy handed use of that statement. She moves through the movie in an unflappable manner, a strong heroic figure who knows exactly what she is doing even when exposed to the deceit of her past and an ever-shifting line of belief in her peers. On a power scale, she is definitely going to be next to Thor, and she is finally the MCU's powered flyer with proper blasts of energy.

As Kent mentioned (over there...) the movie does have an issue in what plot its trying to follow, but I didn't really think it mattered. At least not to me. This is an establishing movie, a plot device to wedge her into Endgame and I am alright with that. At least it's not just another pure origin story, which we are probably all tired of. If I had any problem of the movie, it was more to do with the shoe-horning of the cosmic aspects. The Kree Empire is still pretty relevant when Guardians of the Galaxy begins so then what happens between the end of this movie and when that one picks up? A lot should have happened, but... But, I still got a movie I really enjoyed despite my lack of popcorn -- low carb diets suck.

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