Wednesday, June 3, 2020

3 Short Paragraphs: Extraction

2020, Sam Hargrave (primarily a stunt coordinator on Marvel movies)-- Netflix

This movie had all the hallmarks of the new brand of Hollywood, wherein they gather most of their funding from the overseas market for the eventuality of it being released in those markets. But considering it was released by Netflix and really doesn't have any connection to any particular Indian or Bangladeshi style or themes, it actually just ends up being a movie brave enough to not be about America nor set in America nor actually starring an American being American. And that, despite being based on the graphic novel Ciudad,, a product Joe and Anthony Russo (Captain America: Winter Soldier) set in South America.

Chris Hemsworth (Thor) is Rake is a mercenary with a tragic past (are there any other kind?) from Australia hired by an Indian gangster to rescue his son from a rival in the city of Dhaka, Bangladesh. The operation is almost immediately compromised by the Indian gangster's right hand, who was supposed to protect his employer's son, and hopes to gain back favour by bringing in the boy himself. Meanwhile the Bangladeshi crime lord, who basically controls the entire city, sets everyone at his disposal to chase down Rake and the boy. This is your classic gauntlet movie, as Rake decides to go against his own personal death wish and do whatever it takes to save the boy.

Cliche, not quite wandering into the classic action movie realm, but rather competent in everything it does. The action is tense, impactful and I did not honestly know where it was going to end up, because in daring to be brave in its intent (while banking on Hemsworth, of course) it did feel very different from its ilk. The mostly fabricated set of a city is claustrophobic, utterly unfamiliar and chaotic leaving us where Rake must have been -- confused, stressed and running on adrenaline. Hemsworth does release himself from his Marvel role, and they have set up the idea of an unlikely sequel, so we shall see if he just begets himself a new franchise.

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